Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

A process through which a non-baptized person or baptized Christian of another faith enters the Catholic Church. It includes study, prayer and sharing in the community which the candidate will be fully received into the Roman Catholic Church.

St. Isidore Parish uses the RCIA Program available from My Catholic Life! Candidates share weekly discussions from October until Easter. If candidates decide to move forward with their initiation, they will be received fully into the Catholic Church in Baptism or Profession of Faith of the Holy Trinity, receiving Holy Communion and the Sacrament of Confirmation.

My Catholic Life! RCIA Program is presented in three volumes: Catholic Beliefs, Prayer and Sacraments, and Catholic Morality. During each Zoom meeting there will be time of prayer, scripture, and discussion on the weekly lesson and sharing or listening with other candidates.

If you would like to journey with others in making your decision to become Catholic, please contact Antonella, Sacramental Coordinator, at sacraments@stisidorekanata.com.